Saturday, March 21, 2020
Free Essays on Surplus Value Theory
Surplus-Value Theory The increase over the original value of the money that is put into circulation is called by Marx surplus value. The fact of this "growth" of money in capitalist circulation is common knowledge. Indeed, it is this "growth" which transforms money into capital, as a special and historically determined social relation of production. Surplus value cannot arise out of commodity circulation, for the latter knows only the exchange of equivalents; neither can it arise out of price increases, for the mutual losses and gains of buyers and sellers would equalize one another, whereas what we have here in not an individual phenomenon but a mass, average and social phenomenon. To obtain surplus value, the owner of money must find in the market a commodity. Its consumption is labor, and labor creates value. The owner of money buys labor power at its value, which, like the value of every other commodity, is determined by the socially necessary labor time requisite for its production (example, the cost of maintaining the worker and his family). Having bought enough labor power, the owner of money is entitled to use it, that is, to set it to work for a whole day. (12 hours) Yet, in the course of six hours the worker creates product sufficient to cover the cost of his own maintenance; ("surplus" labor time), he creates "surplus" product, or surplus value, for which the capitalist does not pay. Therefore, from the standpoint of the process of production, two parts must be distinguished in capital: constant capital, which is expended on means of production (machinery, tools, raw materials, etc.), whose value, without any change, is transferred (immediately or part by part) to the finished product; secondly, variable capital, which is expended on labor power. The value of this latter capital is not invariable, but grows in the labor process, creating surplus value. Therefore, to express the degree of capital's exploitation of lab... Free Essays on Surplus Value Theory Free Essays on Surplus Value Theory Surplus-Value Theory The increase over the original value of the money that is put into circulation is called by Marx surplus value. The fact of this "growth" of money in capitalist circulation is common knowledge. Indeed, it is this "growth" which transforms money into capital, as a special and historically determined social relation of production. Surplus value cannot arise out of commodity circulation, for the latter knows only the exchange of equivalents; neither can it arise out of price increases, for the mutual losses and gains of buyers and sellers would equalize one another, whereas what we have here in not an individual phenomenon but a mass, average and social phenomenon. To obtain surplus value, the owner of money must find in the market a commodity. Its consumption is labor, and labor creates value. The owner of money buys labor power at its value, which, like the value of every other commodity, is determined by the socially necessary labor time requisite for its production (example, the cost of maintaining the worker and his family). Having bought enough labor power, the owner of money is entitled to use it, that is, to set it to work for a whole day. (12 hours) Yet, in the course of six hours the worker creates product sufficient to cover the cost of his own maintenance; ("surplus" labor time), he creates "surplus" product, or surplus value, for which the capitalist does not pay. Therefore, from the standpoint of the process of production, two parts must be distinguished in capital: constant capital, which is expended on means of production (machinery, tools, raw materials, etc.), whose value, without any change, is transferred (immediately or part by part) to the finished product; secondly, variable capital, which is expended on labor power. The value of this latter capital is not invariable, but grows in the labor process, creating surplus value. Therefore, to express the degree of capital's exploitation of lab...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Understanding Delphi SET Type - Expert Guide
Understanding Delphi SET Type - Expert Guide One of the Delphi language features not found in other modern languages is the notion of sets. Delphis set type is a collection of values of the same ordinal type. A set is defined using the set of keyword: Set types are usually defined with subranges. In the above example, the TMagicNumber is a custom subrange type allowing variables of the TMagicNumber type to receive values from 1 to 34. Simply put, a subrange type represents a subset of the values in another ordinal type. Possible values of the set type are all the subsets of the base type, including the empty set. A limitation on sets is that they can hold up to 255 elements. In the above example, the TMagicSet set type is a set of TMagicNumber elements - integer numbers from 1 to 34. The declaration TMagicSet set of TMagicNumber is equal to the following declaration: TMagicSet set of 1..34. Set Type Variables In the above example, the variables emptyMagicSet, oneMagicSet and anotherMagicSet are sets of TMagicNumber. To assign a value to a set type variable, use the square brackets and list all the elements of the set. As in: Note 1: every set type variable can hold the empty set, denoted by []. Note 2: the order of the elements in a set has no meaning, nor is it meaningful for an element (value) to be included twice in a set. The IN Keyword To test if an element is included in the set (variable) use the IN keyword: Set Operators The same way you can sum two numbers, you can have a set that is the sum of two sets. With sets your event has more operators: returns the union of two sets.- returns the difference of two sets.* returns the intersection of two sets. return true if two sets are equal - have the same element. returns true if the first set is a subset of the second set. returns true if the first set is a superset of the second set. returns true if two sets are non-identical.IN returns true if an element is included in the set. Heres an example: Will the ShowMessage procedure be executed? If so, what will be displayed? Heres the implementation of the DisplayElements function: Hint: yes. Displayed: 18 | 24 |. Integers, Characters, Booleans Of course, when creating set types you are not restricted to integer values. Delphi ordinal types include character and boolean values. To prevent users to type alpha keys, add this line in the OnKeyPress of an edit control: Sets with Enumerations A commonly used scenario in Delphi code is to mix both enumerated types and set types. Heres an example: Question: will the message be displayed? Answer: no :( Sets in Delphi Control Properties When you need to apply bold to the font used in TEdit controls, you either use the Object Inspector or the following code: The Fonts Style property is a set type property! Heres how it is defined: So, an enumerated type TFontStyle is used as the base type for the set type TFontStyles. The Style property of the TFont class is of type TFontStyles - therefore a set type property. Another example includes the result of the MessageDlg function. A MessageDlg function is used to bring up a message box and obtain the users response. One of the parameters of the function is the Buttons parameter of type TMsgDlgButtons. TMsgDlgButtons is defined as a set of (mbYes, mbNo, mbOK, mbCancel, mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore, mbAll, mbNoToAll, mbYesToAll, mbHelp). If you display a message to the user containing Yes, OK and Cancel buttons and you want to execute some code if either the Yes or Ok buttons were clicked you can use the next code: Final word: sets are great. Sets might appear confusing to a Delphi beginner, but as soon as you start using set type variables you will find out they provide much more then it sounded in the beginning.
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